The Beavers were set a challenge, they had to work in groups to build the highest tower in a very tight 15 minute time frame. The twist was, they could only use marshmallows and spaghetti! The even bigger challenge was not eating the marshmallows until the towers had been judged and measured! Would they be able to take on the task?! Of course!
The 3 groups all seemed to adopt a different style, with one all building separate sections to put together at the end, one building in a square shape and lastly a group adopting a triangle shape-but which would
be the best?!
With a little suggestion from the leaders on how to make their structures more stable, the teams powered on to create their masterpieces. All groups were working well, embracing team spirit and friendly competitive nature between the different tables.
Finally, time was up! Who would be the winner and who’s structure would stay standing without a cheeky supporting hand?!
One group had a very impressive swinging bell section in the middle of their marshmallow creation but would it be the highest? Just as the judging commenced, Phil, the Scout Leader came down to Bowling Green Lane and was nominated to be an independent judge. Phil was very impressed with the standards of the creations and was torn as two, the one with the swinging bell section and the triangle based one were both similar in height. Just as he was deliberating, disaster struck and the triangle tower crumbled on one side and needed a supporting hand. Oh no!
The remaining standing tower was the winner!
Now for the fun bit, the great dismantle and the eating of the marshmallows-yum!
Have a look at the photos below: