Hobbies Badge

Our Young Leader, David, decided that as part of his training he wanted to organise the completion of the Hobbies badge for the Beavers. David made a booklet that the Beavers took home to record what their hobby was, how long they’d been doing it for, who they did it with and why they enjoyed it. They could even add or draw a picture of their hobby. It was a bit like homework but on something fun! They also needed to ensure they’d kept up their hobby for at least a few weeks.

The first week back after half term, the Beavers returned their completed booklets and brought in artefacts to illustrate their hobby. The evening was then spent listening to each other and learning about all the different hobbies people had.

Amik told everyone that she enjoyed bird watching and walking and Rabbit liked collecting interesting pets; she’s even got a lizard!

The different hobbies everyone had were very varied. There was football, karate, trumpet playing, skateboarding, biking, diving, keyring collecting, rollerskating and even horse riding to name just a few.

The Beavers learnt that it didn’t matter what your hobby was, as everyone had an interest in something different. The most important thing was that you enjoyed your hobby and from all the stories we heard, it was very clear that everyone did!

David then very proudly presented the hobbies badge to all the Beavers who had successfully completed it. Well done to all and well done to David for gaining some extra special badges for his training! J