The scout section of the group caters for boys and girls between the ages of 10½ and 14½. They meet once a week on a Friday night, at our Boating Station during the summer months, and at our Headquarters in Luton during the winter If you would like more information about the Scouts, please contact Phil Jeffrey, the Scout leader at first.luton.seascouts@hotmail.co.uk or 01582 612568.
The Scout Leaders

Phil Jeffrey, our Scout Leader, has been involved with the group all of his life. He was a Cub, Scout, Venture Scout, Assistant Scout Leader and has been in his current role as Scout Leader since October 2003.
Phil is a Senior Dinghy Instructor and Advanced Powerboat Instructor with the RYA and a Kayak and Canoe Coach with the BCU.
He is also the County Water Activity Advisor, County Manager of the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme (MAPS) and an Assessor for various water Activities.

Barry Coleman, Assistant Scout Leader has been with the group for many years as a Scout, Venture and Assistant Scout Leader.
He holds Sailing and Safety Powerboat Qualifications.

Ian Jeffrey, Assistant Scout Leader, joined the group in 1970. He was previously a scout with 34th Willesden Scouts so has a total of over 50 year scouting experience.
Ian is a Dinghy Instructor with the RYA and also holds the Advanced and Safety Powerboat qualifications.
He is also a County Boat Inspector.

Nicky Marshall, Assistant Scout Leader, has been with the group since 2001. She joined from another scout troop.
She is a BCU Kayak & Canoe Coach and holds a Safety Powerboat qualification.
Nicky is also a County Assessor for Kayaking, Canoeing and Rafting.

Denzil Spilsbury, Assistant Scout Leader, has been involved with the group as a Scout, Explorer and became an Assistant Scout Leader in 2011.
He is a RYA Instructor in Powerboating and 1st Aid, an Assistant Dinghy Sailing Instructor and a British Rowing Coach.
He is also the County Youth Representative and an Assessor for Rowing.

Ainslie Keagan, Assistant Scout Leader, joined the group in 2010.
He is a RYA Powerboat Instructor.

Scott Roberts, Assistant Scout Leader, has been involved with the group as a Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer. He became an Assistant Scout Leader in 2012.
He is an Assistant Sailing Instructor with the RYA and holds a Safety Powerboat qualification.

Cherry O’Sullivan is an Occasional Helper, having been involved with the group since 1977. She started as Assistant Cub Leader and later becoming a Venture Leader. Before this, she was involved with other groups from the region.

Ruth Doyle

