The Beavers spent an evening learning all about healthy eating and tasting lots of yummy food too! Check out the pictures below to see them get to grips with making smoothies, fruit kebabs for an alternative snack, learning about different foods and tackling sandwich preparation! A successful evening where they all earned their Healthy Eating Badge
Messy Science Night
Check out what the Beavers got up to when Allan organised us a messy science night! Thank you Allan We had to conduct our own experiments to see what made a film canister lid pop off the fastest, when the canister was filled with water and a vitamin c tablet…. was it more or less water and tablets? There was …
Admiralty Practice
I apologise that this is a little late…. Before we had the real Admiralty inspection, we had a practice one that involved preparing ourselves for the real deal! Even though we know we’re a very good Group, the Beavers wanted to make sure they had done everything they could to make sure we passed the inspection and impressed the Inspecting …
Easter Fun!
A favourite activity of many, the Beavers got creative with shredded wheat, chocolate and mini eggs! There is only one outcome with those ingredients and it tastes great! Everyone took it in turns to melt the chocolate, break up the shredded wheat and mix it all together…there was also a lot of spoon licking at the end as well! Hope …
St George’ Day Parade
On Sunday 27th April, First Luton joined forces with other Groups in the District to celebrate St George’s Day. First Luton, as always, had a good turn out from all the sections and did the Group proud with immaculate uniforms and good behaviour. Coby carried the Flag in the parade and George helped lead all the Beavers who attended, in …
Eager Beavers visit the University of Bedfordshire
Eager Beavers get involved in Media Performance at the University of Bedfordshire! The University of Bedfordshire Access Partnership Team and third year Media Performance students joined forces on Monday 7th April, to host over 70 young people and their leaders from local Beavers and Cubs troops, (the youngest sections within the Scouting movement). The day was filled with pirates, skeletons …
Chinese New Year!
新年好 – Kung Hei Fat Choi! Or Happy New Year for those that haven’t quite managed to master Mandarin! Beavers spent the night learning all about China and the Chinese New Year to work towards their Friendship Challenge Badge. They came prepared with their homework which had been set the week before. Each Beaver had been given a different question …
Rafting and Science night
Realised I didn’t upload the pics from our Summer rafting night or our Science night for the Experiment Activity Badge….opps! See below!
‘Groovy’ Tie Dye!
The Beavers were channelling the 1960’s and 70’s as they got to grips with an element of their Creative Challenge badge, tie dye! Bear led the activity and came prepared with wonderfully bright tie dye colours of blue, orange and the less popular but still wildly exciting, vivid pink! There was a range of items to dye, from cloth bags …